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"Bojan Bjelica"
Effects of Recreational Swimming on Women’s Psychosomatic Status (2022)
R. Zrnić, D. Mitić, S. Jovanović, B. Bjelica, Effects of Recreational Swimming on Women’s Psychosomatic Status, QUALITY OF LIFE, Vol. 1-2, No. 13, pp. 30 - 37, 2022 -
Early Detection Of Foot Deformity At Younger School Age (2022-02)
Љ. Милановић, Б. Бјелица, В. Цицовић, Р. Пржуљ, R. Zrnić, Н. Аксовић, Early Detection Of Foot Deformity At Younger School Age, International Journal of Academic Health and Medical Research (IJAHMR), Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 63 - 67, Feb, 2022 -
Р. Зрнић, Д. Митић, С. Јовановић, Б. Бјелица, EFFECTS OF RECREATIONAL SWIMMING ON WOMEN'S PSYCHOSOMATIC STATUS, QUALITY OF LIFE, Vol. 13, No. 1 - 2, pp. 30 - 37, Feb, 2022 -
The comparison of the effects of recreational aerobics and swimming on the psychosomatic status of women (2023)
R. Zrnić, Б. Бјелица, А. Гаџић, R. D'Onofrio, The comparison of the effects of recreational aerobics and swimming on the psychosomatic status of women, Italian Journal of Sports Rehabilitation and Posturology, Vol. 10, No. (26); 5; 5, pp. 2719 - 2737, 2023 -
The influence of the combined exercise program on the Functional status of older women (2022-03)
R. Zrnić, Ј. Коцић, Б. Бјелица, М. Зеленовић, С. Вучковић, С. Јовановић, The influence of the combined exercise program on the Functional status of older women, Зборник радова 9. Међунароне научне конференције ’’Антрополошки и теантрополошки преглед на физичке аткивности., pp. 181 - 188, Mar, 2022